행27:12 그 항구가 겨울을 지내기에 불편하므로 거기서 떠나 아무쪼록 뵈닉스에 가서 겨울을 지내자 하는 자가 더 많으니 뵈닉…
페이지 정보
행27:12 그 항구가 겨울을 지내기에 불편하므로 거기서 떠나 아무쪼록 뵈닉스에 가서 겨울을 지내자 하는 자가 더 많으니 뵈닉스는 그레데 항구라 한 쪽은 서남을, 한 쪽은 서북을 향하였더라
[Acts 27]12.Since the harbor was unsuitable to winter in, the majority decided that we should sail on, hoping to reach Phoenix and winter there. This was a harbor in Crete, facing both southwest and northwest.
[Acts 27]12.Since the harbor was unsuitable to winter in, the majority decided that we should sail on, hoping to reach Phoenix and winter there. This was a harbor in Crete, facing both southwest and northwest.