홈페이지제작 | 반응형 홈페이지 제작 system clock (n)~ The electronic circuit in a computer that generates a steady stream of timing pulses—the digital signals that synchronize every operation. The system clock signal is precisely set by a quartz crystal typically at a specific frequency bet > iT용어 | 반응형 홈페이지 제작


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system clock (n)~ The electronic circuit in a computer that generates …

페이지 정보


system clock (n)~ The electronic circuit in a computer that generates a steady stream of timing pulses—the digital signals that synchronize every operation. The system clock signal is precisely set by a quartz crystal typically at a specific frequency between 1 and 50 megahertz. The clock rate of a computer is one of the prime determinants of its overall processing speed and it can go as high as the other components of the computer allow. system color (n)~ A color that is defined by the operating system for a specific type of monitor and video adapter and that is associated with a specific part of the user interface such as a window title or a menu.


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