홈페이지제작 | 반응형 홈페이지 제작 %SYSTEMROOT% (n)~ The path and folder name where the Windows system files are located. Typically this is C:\Windows although you can designate a different drive or folder when you install Windows. You can use the value %systemroot% to replace the actual l > iT용어 | 반응형 홈페이지 제작


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%SYSTEMROOT% (n)~ The path and folder name where the Windows system fi…

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%SYSTEMROOT% (n)~ The path and folder name where the Windows system files are located. Typically this is C:\Windows although you can designate a different drive or folder when you install Windows. You can use the value %systemroot% to replace the actual location of the folder that contains the Windows system files. To identify your systemroot folder click Start click Run type %systemroot% and then click OK. %WINDIR% (n)~ The system environment variable that points to the directory where Windows is installed most commonly C:\Windows.


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